
30 July 2007

Finding a house to rent.

Pratik Asked:
Hey michelle , i and my friends are looking out for rental properties here since 2 weeks but we are still not able to get it, do u have any known estate agents who can rent a property out to us?

Charan Wrote:
ya i am in melbourne.. v r 4 members looking for a house ....

Sometimes estate agents don't want to rent to students. They tend to think a group of students will make a mess, especially a group of male students, who may have been used to having their mothers (or servants) clean up after them at home. They may also be concerned about your ability to pay the rent.

To have the best chance of getting a property, you need good references if possible, and some kind of financial statement or job showing you can pay the rent.

Other than that, I can't help you, although if you would like to rent out your house near Monash Caulfield or Clayton, please contact me (operativezplatypusz@gmailzdotzcom remove the zzzs) to negotiate rental to students like Pratik and Charan.


Anonymous said...

hi this is charan.I got your id from Michelle blog page.We are two students looking for a house near and around glen huntly, carnegie, murrembenna, ormond. I am working in 7 ELEVEN and my friend is working in IGA... we a earnign 400 per week.

we are looking for a 1 r 2 bed room house.

If it was single bed room we r ready to pay 800 per month and if it is double we r ready to pay 250 per week.

please help me in getting a room please

Michelle said...

Sorry Charan, I don't know of any more help I can give you other than the advice on this blog. I don't know anyone with a house or flat to rent to you, or even anyone with a spare room at the moment.

Michelle said...

I spoke to someone who has been in the Melbourne real estate business for 27 years last week. He said that its more difficult to rent a house in Melbourne now than any time in the last 27 years.

Probably not much help to Charan, but students contemplating arriving in February 2008 should consider on campus accommodation.

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